
As 2018 just came to an end, we review the market performance in terms of increased demand this year

Real estate demand in Egypt kept rising on monthly basis as a result of an attractive investment environment and increasingly flexible payment plans to match the diverse supply of projects

Demand rose by around 20% from 2017 to 2018 as a result of the attractive investment
appreciate rates on properties. Moreover, the massive number of projects representing a wide spectrum of choices that are presented by diverse reputable real estate developers for individuals looking to invest or relocate has also encouraged an increased demand

Finally, the rise in demand also reflects a rising confidence in the reliability and flexibility of real estate investments increased demand highlighted a trend which shows the majority of demand is now focused towards acquiring properties within the new cities that are being developed by the government as
part of the urban development grand strategy, such as Future City, The New Administrative
Capital, New Alamein City, and New Mansoura

As 2019 has just begun, market performance indicators have been thoroughly analyzed to
forecast the coming year’s performance and growth. The real estate market in Egypt is expected to continue growing as a result of a dynamic increase in demand, constantly increasing appreciation rates, and diverse competitive supply that developers are rushing to deliver

For further details on the market forecast and investment opportunities, sign up to receive our full report reviewing the market performance throughout 2018 -to be released soon

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